Performance Marketing Driven by Content


Content for Growth

OverviewIf yours is a small and young business, your marketing should be focussed at least as much on awareness as on generating leads and converting them. To get new customers, they must first know you exist, learn more about you, how you are relevant to them, and how they can profit by aligning themselves with you.
This challenge is best met by marketing with content. Content markets by spreading useful, timely and relevant information. This is your highest priority until you have established yourself as a competent player.
Even after you've established yourself, content will introduce new prospects, and nurture them into customers who buy from you again and again.
High quality content works to build and nurture relationships, so the prospect feels favourable towards you. This positive emotion can be parlayed into a ready-to-buy mind-set—again through appropriate, contextual content.

Components of your Content

As a start-up or SME, your content needs can be brought under five headings:

Website: Your web content should be optimized to show up on searches for specific keywords; at the same time helpful to prospective visitors.

Sales Kit: The Sales Kit needs to be pulled together so as not to conflict with the online material; It should also have consistency and coherence.

Content Calendar: You may plan to run campaigns on search, email, social media or banners. It's useful to keep a monthly calendar that details the content and dates on which it is shared; it will include blog-posts, updates, social media posts, infographics etc.

Ideas and Reports: White papers and reports help establish you as an authority in your field. It is important to be a thought leader to whom others turn for opinions and ideas.

Tactical: You will need to develop content for events that happen either within your company, such as a new leadership hire, trade shows and conferences.

Content HQ: Your go-to for content

As a new or small business owner, your days will typically be filled with having to play all kinds of roles from CEO to errands boy. Content HQ can take on the burden of producing high-quality, timely content for all your marketing needs:

  • Blog posts
  • Articles
  • Infographics
  • Newsletters (online/print)
  • Research reports
  • Presentations (online/offline)
  • Mobile content
  • Mobile apps
  • Ebooks/print books
  • Magazines (digital/print)
  • Podcast scripts
  • Video scripts
  • Social Media posts
  • Syndicated content
  • Materials for in-person/virtual events
  • White papers
  • Case Studies
  • Annual Reports
  • Websites/Blogs

Call us now and see how we can help take your business to the heights it deserves!

How We Can Help Your Company?

What? The Value Our Scope of Work

Content strategy, audit and planning

Complete audit of existing content inventory across website, social, collateral - ensuring its consistent, high quality and compliant. Tick Icon Order Now
Content Manual

Content Manual

Company-level content guide, style sheet, glossary across sales & marketing channels to ensure consistency. Tick Icon Order Now

Content Extranet

We will set up a repository (digital hub) for content creation, assets, work-flow, roles-wise, and partners with calendar, alerts & milestones for use across departments, agencies, managers.

Say goodbye to emailing, attachments, versions and time wasters.

Installation, customization, integration, testing & training at no extra charge. Order Now

Whitepapers: The topic, goal, length, sections, tone will be client’s preference across the below categories

Evaluator’s guide: to explain the features and benefits. Usually a backgrounder.

Executive briefing: Short, high-level summary for C-Level executive. Usually a problem or solution flavor.

Overview: An overview, or to redefine a market niche favorable to a certain vendor.

Position paper: to argue for a certain approach to solving a problem, like an opinion piece.

Briefing: high-level features for journalists and analysts at launch.

Special report: Any type of hybrid white paper.

Persuasive essays that use facts and logic to promote a product or service. Used by 2 out of 3 B2B firms. Each whitepaper will have up to 2,000 words.

Work includes research, writing, editing, email/phone interviews with the, proof-reading & expert review.

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Infographics & Charts

Visual presentations, about a topic to grab viewers' attention in style in print, mobile and web. Used by more than half of B2B companies to prove a point with data. We will create the script, design – including icons, images, illustrations. Order Now
Case Study

Case Studies

The strongest marketing evidence comes from how the company is helping customers in the real world.Also, known as success or customer stories, they are used by 3 out of 4 B2B companies. Either vertical, role based (marketing, IT, HR), need and challenge-based mapped against client’s products or service. Order Now

Newsletters & Corporate Magazine

Regular informative emails or magazines (print) with company updates, to stay in touch with prospects, partners, employees and clients. Used by 4 out of 5 B2B companies. Design of newsletter, HTML, text & mobile version for any device, or email client with tracking and analytics.

We will create, translate the & provide the ‘ready to send’ format.

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Data Sheets

Data sheets

Technical details for niche audience. Content & Design Order Now

Presentations (PPT/Web-based) decks

3 out of 4 B2B firms use professionally created decks that are consistent with online, mobile, desktop versions. Content & Design Order Now

User Guides

Visual, well-written guides with cheat sheets, tips, how-tos, advice, explaining the product/service. Tick Icon Order Now

Videos & Animation

Ideal for training, help desk, users, sales, explainer, demos, and marketing a product or service for the website, social media, presentations, events to grab the audience's attention. Script, design, translation and voice over in any language, subtitles with ready to use web & mobile friendly videos. Order Now


Virtual lecture or training presented on the Internet. The session includes PowerPoint presentation, handouts, video, Q&A. Tick Icon Order Now

Social Media Optimization

Stream of fresh blog and social content with daily tweets, news, updates, optimized for Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook. Content creation and curation, scheduling, distribution, translation & tracking. Order Now

Flyers/Brochures/Special Guides

Marketing collateral Content, design & translation Order Now

Kits (Press, Sales, Customer & Partner)

The branded kit will consist of a folder with card holder and slots for the various brochures, USB etc with vertical specific brochure and case study. Product demo-scripting, video recording, voice over - design, animation, presentation. Order Now

RFP (Proposals, tenders)

Ready to use pre-defined templates with all key content to create, structure, email proposals to speed up sales. Tick Icon Order Now

Articles (Thought Leadership):

Ghost writing guest columns on behalf of client for blogs, newspapers, magazines. Tick Icon Order Now
Direct Mailer

Direct Mailers

For print and email – precise and persuasive. Tick Icon Order Now

Executive Speeches

For events, conferences and meetings. Tick Icon Order Now

Custom Research Reports

To collate data, backed by primary and, secondary research with expert validation. Tick Icon Order Now

Multi-lingual SEO

Complete audit, optimizing the site with meta-tags, keywords, back-links, and increasing traffic for lead generation. Tick Icon Order Now

Translation & Localization:

By providing localized content in the customer's native language make a bigger, wider impact. We can translate, proof-read, edit into/from any major language in a few hours. Guaranteed quality and response. Order Now

(Product, Technical, Sales, HR)

Improve, standardize and edit existing or create new manuals. Tick Icon Order Now
Content Monitoring

Social & Media Content Monitoring:

-12 months of monitoring (print, web, social) from our proprietary database of 2 million news sources, across 75 languages from 100 countries with real-time keyword, brand, competitor tracking, coverage and trends.

-The content can be circulated via website, blog, social media and, newsletters for SEO.

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