Performance Marketing Driven by Content


Semi-finalist from 1200+ Start-ups from 40 countries

Visa Business Awards ® – Best young entrepreneur and Best technology start-up, Best Start-up (Overall) out of 600+ firms

Seed camp ® London – Top 10 of 260 start-ups from 42 countries

Arab Business Angels Network/Dubai International Capital ® – Top 3 of 150 firms

ISB–TiE 2008 – Overall WinnerBest new start-up from 200+ firms

Finalist in Lloyds TSB® Business Awards out of 400 firms.

2009: Best New Start-up

PAN-IIT-Madras Biz Plan Conclave – Finalist

2009 Edition
– Finalist out of 100+ firms

Red Herring 2011 Finalist

Stars Of Business Awards 2011

    Math Captcha + eighty = eighty two